Secondary publications, cumulative dissertations and copyright (Online-Workshop)

Workshop for PhD students at Leibniz Universität Hannover

Like other works, academic texts and illustrations are subject to copyright and can only be reused within narrow limits. The exploitation rights are often transferred to a publisher upon publication. In this workshop, questions that arise will be discussed, such as:

  • What rights do I have as an author and how can I protect them against publishers or third parties?
  • What do I need to consider when publishing a cumulative dissertation?
  • Can I post my articles that have published in a journal on an online platform?
  • Can I republish conference papers in a journal (or vice versa)?
  • How do I facilitate the subsequent use of texts and figures?
  • Why do Open Access publications make many things easier?

Speaker: Elke Brehm, Dr. Stefan Schmeja (TIB)

no restriction
Target group: 
Science & Research
Time duration: 
90 Minuten
Weekday Date/Time
No dates available

Registration via the Graduate Academy

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