Strengthening the Open Access Publishing System through Open Citations and Spatiotemporal Metadata



Christian Hauschke


Dr. Anette Cordts, N.N.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


April 2021 – March 2023




OPTIMETA aims to strengthen the open access publishing system by connecting open citations and spatiotemporal metadata from open access journals to openly accessible data sources. For this purpose, Open Journal Systems (OJS), the most widely used open source software for scientific journals, will be extended by functionalities for the collection and distribution of open data by developing two OJS plugins. The TIB subproject focuses on the conception and implementation of a citation plugin that enables open access journals to enrich their articles with citation metadata and to make the this data available to open data sources. As a basis for the development of the plugins, the TIB is also conducting a comprehensive needs analysis on the part of the editors, publishers, or service providers of OA journals and researchers.

Overall, by combining open source and open data, the project enables open-access journals to offer their scientific communities innovative services for semantically significant linking of articles and to contribute spatiotemporal and citation information to relevant and open data sources. In various ways, both of these factors improve the visibility and thus the findability of publications, which in turn increases the attractiveness of the respective OA journals as publication venues.

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