Latest news from the Open Science Lab

ConfIDent supports researchers in selecting relevant events and the right conference

The tool enables a retrieval of PID-referenced data from external data sources and an automated import into the research information system VIVO

The first three chapters are now online, the book will be officially presented at the library congress in Leipzig

Digital practice workshop with presentations on various aspects of research information systems, with a focus on VIVO

TIB presents itself together with other Leibniz institutions in Lower Saxony on the business and innovation mile

Digital perspectives – digitality seen from very different angles

Five questions and answers – in the “Open Access Champions” series, TIB introduces members of the LUH who are actively committed to Open Access

Beta version of BMBF project B!SON is now online

Ukrainian scientists, teachers and students are invited to use and collaborate with us on portals for digital teaching and learning resources

In the SPARC EUROPE webinar “Under the spotlight” on 11 April 2022, Lambert Heller talks about experiences with hackathons and Open Science at TIB
