


Margret Plank


Jens Kösters, Lukas Richter


 MWK Innovation+


June 2020 – July 2021


For a successful study of engineering, as for all STEM subjects, good mathematical knowledge is fundamental. Especially for students in the first semesters, however, this knowledge is very heterogeneous and makes study success difficult, especially in mass courses. Self-learning offers like the online bridge course of the TU9 universities, MOVE&MINT, are suitable to counteract this problem.  Nevertheless, many first-year students encounter a variety of well-known and regularly occurring hurdles when learning central concepts. This is where MOVE&MINT comes in and supports engineering students by developing and providing innovative, interactive self-learning modules for the follow-up of the lecture Mathematics for Engineers I and for the preparation of exams. These modules each specifically address one of the aforementioned widespread hurdles and combine the use of visualizing teaching/learning videos with textual explanations and matching online tasks for self-monitoring. The videos are published in the TIB AV-Portal - a web-based platform for scientific and teaching videos. The AV-Portal features a variety of innovative interaction elements that enable and support active reception and learning processes when using teaching/learning videos. In order to enable a targeted use of the videos, various automated analysis procedures ensure a fine-grained and time-based indexing of the content, while the combination of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and Media Fragment Identifiers (MFID) guarantees a citability accurate to the second. The combination of this worldwide unique platform with the free educational materials from VE&MINT as well as the learning management system ILIAS in the MOVE&MINT project enables the creation of innovative, open and sustainable self-learning opportunities for students of engineering (and potentially other courses of study in which mathematical foundations are required).

TIB ist responsible for the production of the educational videos as well as their publication in the TIB AV-Portal

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